My Top 5 Mom Life Hacks

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Last week, I made my morning news debut on Good Day DC to share my top 5 mom life hacks (and of course, to talk about my new book, But Definitely Wear Mascara 😍). 

My #1 tip? Every day, wake up just a little bit earlier than you are now to get guaranteed alone time.  It doesn’t have to be painful, promise!  You can start with as little as 10 minutes each day to get time that’s just for you, to sip peacefully on your first cup of coffee, journal, read fiction, or do something else you love. 

Think 10 minutes a day isn’t enough to feel like you’re taking care of yourself? Ten minutes is better than zero, mama. If you’re not currently getting guaranteed alone time every day, try this hack! 

Wanna hear the other 4 hacks? Watch the full interview here (it’s less than 5 minutes)!

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