This Hack Will Declutter Your Home (and Your Life)

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Have you ever opened a closet or a cupboard and thought, “When the heck did we accumulate all this stuff?” 

Duh, that’s a rhetorical question because you’re a mom, and therefore, of course you have.  

At this time last year, my husband and I were seriously considering an opportunity in his career that would have required us to move out of state.  One day during the lengthy interview process, I opened a cabinet under my bathroom sink, saw all the clutter and thought, “Am I really going to pack all of this and move it?  And if not, then why am I keeping it—even if we don’t move?” 

That one question helped me declutter every drawer, cabinet and closet in my house

And I didn’t do it overnight, or even in one week.  But once I started, it became my priority every time I had a spare moment.  I would ask myself that question as I went through all of our stuff—toiletries, Tupperware, toys, clothes, linens, everything. 

And let me tell you:  it was so cathartic. Not only did I purge a bunch of stuff I was no longer using and create a much more organized home, I was able to donate most of the items to charity, which felt really good.  

In the end, we didn’t end up moving.  But it was still a worthwhile exercise because it allowed me to declutter my home and, in turn, my life! 

So if you have a little or—ahem—a lot of clutter in your house, pick one drawer, one cabinet or one closet and try this hack.  Whether you’re moving or not, it’s quite effective. 

Now I know you might be thinking, “But Nikki!  What if I do end up needing this stuff? That’s why I’m keeping it!  Because I might one day need it again!” 

Listen, I hear ya.  I often have had that hoarder-like mentally too.

But the truth is, if you haven’t used it in over a year, you’re probably not gonna

And if parting with it still feels too final, just grab one of those big plastic storage bins with a lid from Target and put the stuff that doesn’t meet the “would I pack this and move it” test in there. Then find a place for the bin in your garage. If after another six months to a year, you still haven’t touched it, it’s time to say goodbye. 

So there you have it!  My hack for decluttering your home and your life.  Try it out and let me know how it goes! 

Here’s to making room in our lives for what matters most.  

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