Designing a Feng Shui-Inspired Home Office for Better Mom Life Balance

Guest post written by Dr. Hannah Yang of Balanced Awakening

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With the relentless pace of modern work life, finding equilibrium in your personal working space has become crucial. Feng Shui, with its ancient roots in managing the flow of energy, presents a unique way of arranging your home office. 

This approach encourages a serene but energizing space that sparks creativity, promotes inspiration, and supports a healthier work-life balance.

Understanding the Core Concepts of Feng Shui

To bring balance to your home office using Feng Shui, getting acquainted with the foundational concepts of the Bagua, Chi, and the Five Elements is important.

The Bagua: Your Energy Map

Consider the Bagua as your guide to dividing your space into nine distinct areas, with each one correlating to an important life aspect, such as your professional growth, personal connections, or health. 

Within the context of your home office, utilizing the Bagua can pinpoint the perfect spots for your furniture, decorative items, and other features, ensuring a more positive working atmosphere.

Chi: The Vital Force

Chi is the life force that invisibly flows through all entities and spaces. The practice of Feng Shui focuses on maximizing this flow to create a space that vibrates with balance and harmony

A well-channeled Chi can elevate the sense of well-being, pave the way for success, and instill a natural ease within an environment. Look at Chi as the vibrant energy you want to draw in and enhance your work setting.

The Five Elements

At the heart of Feng Shui are the five elements – earth, metal, water, wood, and fire – each carrying its own set of energies and distinct features. Here is a quick look at these elements:

  • Earth: Emphasizing stability, grounding, and the nurturing aspect of nourishment, the earth element is synonymous with a dependable sense of security. Decorating your workspace with hues of beige, brown, and yellow not only reflects Earth’s qualities but also creates an environment of peace and concentrated energy.
  • Metal: Metal is associated with clarity, precision, and accomplishment. Metallic colors like silver, gold, and white can introduce a sense of order and focus into your space.
  • Water: The water element is a symbol of wisdom, smooth progression, and the ability to adapt. It stands for a serene intelligence and flexibility in thought and action. Introducing elements such as small fountains or the soothing sounds of water into your space can create an ambiance of fluid tranquility and ease.
  • Wood: The wood element is closely linked with expansion, creative energy, and fresh starts. By adding plants to your office, you not only bring the wood element into your space but also encourage an atmosphere rich in life and creative possibilities.
  • Fire: Fire symbolizes the burning intensity of passion, vigor, and motivation. While the fiery hues of red, orange, and purple are effective, their use in a workspace should be measured. However, when applied thoughtfully, these colors can inject a vibrant burst of inspiration and spark creative thinking.

By incorporating these elements through color, materials, and shapes in your home office, you can create a balanced and supportive environment aligned with your goals.

Incorporating Feng Shui Principles into Your Home Office Design

Now that you understand the core concepts of Feng Shui, here’s how to strategically incorporate various elements into your home office space:

Improving Energy Flow through Desk Placement

The positioning of your desk is crucial in Feng Shui. The “command position” is the most powerful placement. Ideally, you’ll be facing the door of your office without being directly in line with it. This allows you to see opportunities coming while feeling secure and in control.  

If the command position isn’t possible, try to avoid placing your desk with your back to the door or directly facing a wall, as these positions can create feelings of vulnerability or being blocked.

Using Aromatherapy for Better Productivity

Aromatherapy can be a valuable tool for influencing your mood and mental state. This is why you’ll often see it used during trauma therapy or anxiety therapy sessions.

Need to really focus and stay alert? Peppermint or rosemary can offer an invigorating pick-me-up. Lavender, chamomile, or bergamot are known for their calming properties, perfect if workplace stress starts to build. If you’re stuck in a creative rut, orange or grapefruit could also potentially help get those ideas flowing.

Thoughtful Mirror Positioning

A well-placed mirror can create the illusion of more space and boost good energy flow in your office. Choose to reflect something enjoyable – a bit of nature outside your window or a piece of art that makes you smile. 

On the other hand, avoid mirrors reflecting clutter in your work area since it can make it feel like your workload is doubled or directly facing your front door, as it might push away positive energy.

Decorating Your Workspace with Natural Elements

A few well-placed plants can add vibrancy and positive energy to your workspace. For a touch of Feng Shui, explore using plants with symbolic meanings – snake plants for prosperity or spider plants to spark creativity.  

The soft sounds of a water fountain also bring tranquility, while natural materials like wood, stone, or crystals can create a sense of connection to the earth.

Embracing Natural Light and Color Harmony

When setting up your home office, make the most of natural light as it greatly impacts mood and efficiency, promoting feelings of vitality and focus. To inspire creativity, introduce shades of green and brown, reflecting the nurturing essence of the wood element. 

Additionally, touches of red or orange can inject bursts of enthusiasm and innovation since they have the dynamic qualities of the fire element. Select colors that speak to you, creating a cohesive and motivational workspace.

Softening Your Space with Careful Furniture Selection

To maintain a smooth flow of Chi in your workspace, prioritize furniture with rounded edges and gentle curves over sharp corners and edges. Not only does this choice encourage a more harmonious energy flow, but it also creates a more welcoming ambiance.

When selecting furniture, particularly your desk chair, consider ergonomic design principles. Investing in a comfortable and supportive chair can significantly reduce physical stress and promote proper posture, ensuring you remain aligned and energized throughout your workday.

Decluttering Your Workspace

Combatting clutter is crucial for maintaining positive energy and mental clarity in your workspace. Begin by addressing clutter in manageable portions, starting with reducing paper clutter. 

Explore options like digitizing documents or establishing an efficient filing system to minimize physical mess. You’ll also want to institute a regular decluttering routine, dedicating small increments of time each day or week to tidying up and organizing.

Recreate Your Home Office Space with Feng Shui

Implementing Feng Shui principles can revolutionize your home office, turning it into a sanctuary of efficiency, equilibrium, and creativity. Even minor adjustments inspired by Feng Shui can profoundly improve the energy and ambiance of your workspace, establishing a deeper sense of harmony and vitality during your daily tasks.

About the Author

Visionary and healthcare entrepreneur by passion, Licensed Psychologist by training, Dr. Hannah Yang loves creating new possibilities in the world of mental health and wellness. Dr. Yang established Balanced Awakening in 2015 as a niche psychotherapy practice for women. As Balanced Awakening flourishes in Chicago, and soon Miami, she also loves to tap into her passion for design and Feng Shui to create fabulous environments for herself, her team, and clients.

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5 Relaxation Techniques All Working Moms Should Know

Guest Post written by Taylor McKnight, Author for Nothing But Hemp

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As a busy working mom, you probably know it’s important to find ways to relax and take care of your mental health. But you might also discover that forcing yourself to relax can be stressful.

If you simply cannot find time for lengthy meditation sessions or other commonly suggested strategies, don’t fret! You do have other options. These five relaxation techniques will improve your mental health and leave you time for managing your busy schedule.

Use Waiting Times to Practice Deep Breathing

Other people might have hours to spend breathing deeply in a forest, but you have a packed schedule. The good news is that you can get the same effects from deep breathing within only a few breaths. Look for pockets of time when you can slowly breathe in and out. Practicing breathing deeply while you’re waiting in line or for a doctor’s appointment can instantly decrease stress.

Choose Workouts With Rhythmic Movements

There is no doubt that hitting the gym hard can get your body into shape. But sometimes, heavy workouts can feel stressful and time-consuming. Instead of laying on the guilt because you didn’t hit the gym, try going for a walk or swim with your kids. Or, you could choose to do some dancing in your living room. Choosing low-impact workouts that incorporate rhythmic movements helps to soothe your body while increasing the endorphins in your brain.

Explore the Relaxing Benefits of Hemp Products

If you’re using a glass of wine to relax, you could be stressing your body to the point that you feel less productive the next day. Drinking alcohol in the evening can also interfere with your sleep. Give CBD products a try to induce a similar sense of relaxation while still being in control of your actions. CBD gummies and tinctures work well for helping you to sleep at bedtime or making it easier to relax when you’re experiencing aches and pains.

Engage In Child’s Play

If long work days leave you longing for your past childhood when each day felt like bliss, then you can use this technique to connect with your kids and feel less stressed. Carve out some time in your busy schedule to sit down with your kids and color in a coloring book. Or, you could make shapes with modeling clay or paint. You can even use adult art materials if you prefer, but engaging your senses can help take your mind off whatever problems are stressing you out.

Do a Body Scan Meditation Before Bedtime

Meditating is another stress-reduction activity that is challenging for some people. Body-scan meditation allows you to focus your mind on each part of your body starting from the toes and moving to the top of your head. As you meditate, you’ll strive to notice and release tension in each body part until you feel completely relaxed.

The key to relaxation is to have several strategies in your self-care toolkit. Remember to check in with yourself occasionally to identify if you feel anxious, overly tired, or just plain stressed. Then, get in the habit of using your strategies regularly to achieve the best effects on your mental health.

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Valentine’s Day and Single Mothers: A Tale of Embracing Self-Love

Guest Post Written by Praneeth Simon Siliveri

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When you think of Valentine’s Day, you might think of couples showing love. But what about single moms without a romantic partner? Of course, they can celebrate too! If you’re a single mom wondering how to enjoy Valentine’s Day alone, remember that you deserve love too. If you can handle work and being a parent, why not take some time to love yourself?

From inspirational books to partying with friends, and these  Valentine’s Day offers to make your celebration even more fun, there are so many ways for a single mom to celebrate the day of love without feeling lonely.

  • Celebrate your Love for your Kids 

Valentine’s Day is not just about romantic love—it’s about celebrating all forms of love, including the bond between a mother and her children. Spend quality time with your kids, express your love through fun activities and heartfelt conversations, or create special memories together, like planning a day out, cooking together, watching fun movies, or making creative crafts and arts. Embrace the joy and love of being a parent and tell your children how much they mean to you on this day. 

  • Party with your Friends and Family 

Gather your close friends and family members for a celebration of love and friendship. Host a Valentine’s Day party at home, or visit your favorite restaurant and indulge in a decadent meal. Enjoy good food, laughter, and meaningful conversations, creating cherished moments with those who support and care for you. Surrounding yourself with people who uplift and appreciate you is a wonderful way to feel loved and connected, regardless of your relationship status. 

  • Make some time for Yourself 

It is important to spend time with your kids, especially as a single parent, and it is equally essential to prioritize self-care and carve out time for yourself. So, use this Valentine’s Day as an opportunity to indulge in activities that bring you happiness and relaxation. Whether it’s treating yourself to a spa day, enjoying a favorite hobby, or simply unwinding with a good book or movie, investing in self-love and self-care fosters inner fulfillment and resilience. This way, you will be more efficient and happier in your life, which should be our ultimate goal, right? 

  • Devote Yourself doing good for Others 

In today’s busy and sometimes unfriendly world, it’s important to show love and kindness to people who could use extra care which (did you know?) also carries forward the legacy of Saint Valentine. One great way to do this is by volunteering your time or giving what you can to help others on Valentine’s Day. You could help a charity nearby, join in community projects to help, or just support other single parents. Doing these things helps others and makes you feel good inside. It’s all about spreading love and making the world a better, happier place for everyone. 

  • Plan a Solo Trip 

In addition to showing love to others, take a break from your routine and plan a solo trip this Valentine’s Day. Whether it’s a day trip nearby, a weekend getaway, or a dream vacation, solo travel can be liberating and empowering. By doing this, you can enjoy the freedom to set your own itinerary, discover yourself, and create memorable experiences. Exploring solo lets you reconnect, gain new perspectives, and celebrate your independence as a single mother. 

  • Speak to Yourself Kindly 

Finally, don’t forget to be kind to yourself. We all know that being a mom who works is hard, but it’s even harder when you’re doing it all on your own. If you need a little pick-me-up, remember these words:

  • “You alone are enough. You have nothing to prove to anybody.” – Maya Angelou 
  • “My alone feels so good, I’ll only have you if you’re sweeter than my solitude.” – Warsan Shire 
  • “I’ve been single for a while and I have to say, it’s going very well. Like… it’s working out. I think I’m the One!” — Emily Helle 
  • “Love yourself first and everything else falls into line. You have to believe in yourself.” – Lucille Ball 
  • “I don’t need Prince Charming to have my own happy ending.” -Katy Perry 

Valentine’s Day as a single mom isn’t about feeling alone. It’s a chance to show yourself some love and feel strong. We are confident that you can make this Valentine’s Day special by trying out the ideas we talked about. But don’t stop there! Get creative and find other ways to make yourself happy. Remember, what really counts is your own happiness. So, take this day to celebrate how strong and independent you are. You deserve all the love and joy in the world. 

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How To Relax as an At-Home Working Mother

Guest Post Written by Taylor McKnight, Author for CBDistillery

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With all the demanding tasks that have to be completed each day, it can be challenging for an at-home working mother to find time to relax. But being healthy requires self-care and relaxation. Neglecting self-care can lead to poor physical, emotional, and mental health.

According to a study performed at the University of Manchester, working mothers can be up to 40% more stressed out than other people. That stress can eventually translate into many different adverse effects on one’s health.

Why Relaxation Is Important for At-Home Working Mothers

The joys of motherhood can be infinitely rewarding, but they can also be exhausting. The constant demands of motherhood can have negative consequences on your overall health. Prioritizing self-care and relaxation is essential for combating some of these negative health outcomes.

* Reduced stress: Chronic stress can lead to anxiety, depression, and many other negative outcomes on your overall well-being.
* Improved Physical Health: Reducing stress alone can have a positive impact on your overall physical health. Poor physical health can lead to several negative health implications such as fatigue and illness.
* Boosted self-esteem and confidence: Taking time for yourself makes you feel better, which can translate to feeling empowered and capable throughout the day.

Ways to Relax as an At-Home Working Mother

Finding ways to relax doesn’t have to be complicated. Here are a few simple ways at-home working mothers can relax throughout the day.

Wake up fifteen minutes earlier than everyone else in the house

It doesn’t seem like much, 15 minutes, but simply having a few minutes alone at the start of the day allows you to have your thoughts to yourself without distractions.

Set aside times to unplug

Screens have been shown to aggravate stress levels and sleep quality. Set specific times throughout the day when you commit to not staring at any screens.

Encourage relaxation with CBD

From balms to oils, to fruity-tasting gummies, many CBD products on the market today can help promote relaxation without impairing your ability to do the things you would normally be doing. Just call them ‘mommy’s little helpers.’

Talk to a friend

Having someone outside of your immediate family unit to bounce ideas off of, or even just vent to, can be incredibly valuable to your mental health.

Delegate household duties to the kids

Don’t feel like you have to do everything. Children are perfectly capable of performing simple tasks around the house, which takes some stress off your plate.

Try something new

Feeling stuck in a rut is depressing and just gets worse the longer it goes on. Spice up your life by trying something new. A meet-up, a class, anything to make you feel like you’re not simply going through the motions every single day.


Taking some time to work on your physical health is rewarding for many reasons and it doesn’t have to be the chore some make it out to be. Getting a little exercise can be something as simple as taking a short walk, with or without the kids.

There are plenty of options for finding some relaxation throughout the day and improving your physical and mental health. A combination of various methods is a good thing to consider. Everyone is different and you have to find what works for you.

Whether it’s getting up earlier to have some alone time every morning, taking a walk at lunch, taking a CBD gummy as the day winds down, or a combination of all these methods, it’s important to find relaxation any way you can. You’ll feel better, and the people around you will notice the difference in seeing a relaxed you.

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What Do You Need to Quit?

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What do you need to quit?

I know, I know. When do I ever talk about quitting?

The truth is that we all do things that don’t serve us. I’m dealing with this now, as I seek to publish my first novel in the genre of women’s fiction. I’m comparing myself to other authors of women’s fiction. It would be so easy for me to look at Jennifer Weiner, Taylor Jenkins Reid, Emily Henry, Ali Hazelwood, or Lucy Score and think, “I’ll never be that successful.”

But why? What’s the point in doing that? How does comparing my beginning to their “middles” help me?

News flash: it doesn’t.

So I’m gonna stop doing it. And no, it won’t happen overnight, but I’m going to keep at it.

If you’re comparing yourself—whether to other moms or to women in your professional field—stop, mama.

You matter and you have something to offer this world. And I’m gonna keep telling you that until you believe it.

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It’s Not Too Late to Be Awesome

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At the beginning of every year, I choose a word to represent what I want for my life over the twelve months that will follow.  Have you ever done that?  I picked it up a few years ago and found that it helps me focus.  I slap my word of the year at the top of my vision board, which I keep in my closet, and then see it every day as I’m getting dressed.  

Last year, my word was “skyrocket.”

Seemed like a great choice after everything we went through in most of 2020 and all the way into 2021.  Nowhere to go but up, right?

But for a lot of 2022, I didn’t feel like I was skyrocketing at all.

In fact, there came a point last year where I wasn’t sure what I was doing with Your Ideal Mom Life or with the Love Your Mom Life podcast.  I started believing the lie that I wasn’t making an impact, that no one was listening, that I didn’t know how to serve you.  

And then, right around THIS time last year, when I had almost totally checked out and felt like 2022 was on its way to being over, I got the spark of an idea to write a book.  For you.  To serve you.  And it came together in a snap.

On November 28th, when most might say the year really was basically over, my first book, “But Definitely Wear Mascara: Hacks to Help You Love Your Mom Life (and Yourself) a Little More,” was listed for sale on Amazon.  It might have taken THREE HUNDRED thirty one days, but I sure felt like I was skyrocketing then!

Did you have a word this year, mama? If so, I hope you’ve been living it!  

Or . . . maybe you haven’t. Maybe, like I did at this time last year, you feel like maybe you shouldn’t even bother; like the year is basically on its way to being over anyway. 

But here’s the thing: even if you feel like you haven’t lived out your goal so far, it’s not too late.  We still have one hundred fifty-two whole days left in this year.  152 days! 

So take one itty bitty step today.  And another teensy weensy one tomorrow.

You can still create something amazing.  You can still live in alignment with what your heart desired 212 days ago, on January 1st.  I know you can.

It’s not too late to start being awesome. You got this, girlfriend. And I am cheering you on. 

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A Reminder on this Mother’s Day

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You are the best person for those little people you are raising. On Mother’s Day, we can sometimes feel mixed emotions, like inadequacy, mom guilt, sadness from loss, or other frustrations.

Just know that you are enough, mama.

You are doing your very best, and it’s amazing.

Plan for the potential feelings and decide now to experience them so you can let them go. We’ve never arrived as mothers. We’ll always be learning. Instead of beating yourself up, give yourself grace, and celebrate who you are becoming in and beyond motherhood.

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How Working Moms Beat Overwhelm

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On a daily basis, we tend to put our own needs last, reacting first to what’s “urgent” (though not necessarily important), and getting mired down in everything that needs to be done without regard to whether we need to be the one doing it. ⁣

Let’s not forget: 𝘆𝗼𝘂, 𝗺𝗮𝗺𝗮, 𝘄𝗲𝗿𝗲 𝗺𝗮𝗱𝗲 𝗳𝗼𝗿 𝗴𝗿𝗲𝗮𝘁𝗻𝗲𝘀𝘀.

How, though, do you actually step into your greatness and use the precious moments God has given you to harness your gifts without getting distracted by those pesky, urgent tasks that keep you from tending to the truly important ones? ⁣

The answer, of course, is outsourcing. Outsourcing is your friend.

It’s okay to ask for help. It’s okay to use Instacart, to hire cleaners, to have someone cook for your family a few times a week, etc.

Find what on your list doesn’t need to be done by you, and outsource it. Remember that every time you choose to use your gifts instead of wasting time doing things others can do for you, you’re creating your ideal mom life.

For more outsourcing tips, revisit this blog post, or check out Chapter 13 of my new book, But Definitely Wear Mascara.

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Happy International Women’s Day!

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Historically, today has been a global day celebrating the social, economic, cultural and political achievements of women.

But as women who are also moms, you know what else I think we should celebrate?

Our mistakes. Our failures. All the times we’ve fallen flat on our faces.  And the fact that we are never, and will never, be totally perfect.

That might sound weird and like, very underachiever-ish.  But I think it’s actually super powerful.  

Because with every mom fail comes a lesson and an opportunity to grow.  Every mistake makes us better the next go around. 

And truth?  Those moments make you a better friend to the mom who comes after you, who makes the same mistakes you have, because you can be there for her and encourage her to get up and keep going.  
That’s what I’m celebrating today. And I’m thinking of you!

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You Angry, Mama?

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As moms, we talk about mom life all the time.  We share photos of our kids on social media, and joke about battling mom brain, being “on” from sunup to sundown, and the seemingly insurmountable task that is bedtime.  

Here’s something we moms never seem to talk about, though:  how pissed off we are.

If we’re being totally honest, we’re exhausted from constantly striving to “balance” the demands of our jobs with the needs of our families, and feeling like we have to say no to the things we want to do.  We’re broken records when it comes to tidiness, chores, getting homework done, and refereeing the incessant bickering between our kids. 

We probably don’t even want to admit to ourselves how irritating (and, quite frankly, infuriating) the challenges of motherhood are.  

But mom rage is real.

And if you’re feeling it, you’re not alone, mama. It’s normal to feel anger, even about motherhood.  I say we get real in 2023 and talk about it! 

That’s why I recently wrote an essay for CafeMom about mom rage and my recent experience at a rage room, which helped me get out my anger and regain patience and joy in the weeks that followed.

Check it out to learn how you can get out your anger, even if you don’t have a rage room nearby. Mom rage is real, but once you honor it by listening to what it’s telling you, it doesn’t get to claim a hold on you anymore. Be intentional about getting those feelings out so you can finally release them.

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