5 Relaxation Techniques All Working Moms Should Know

Guest Post written by Taylor McKnight, Author for Nothing But Hemp

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As a busy working mom, you probably know it’s important to find ways to relax and take care of your mental health. But you might also discover that forcing yourself to relax can be stressful.

If you simply cannot find time for lengthy meditation sessions or other commonly suggested strategies, don’t fret! You do have other options. These five relaxation techniques will improve your mental health and leave you time for managing your busy schedule.

Use Waiting Times to Practice Deep Breathing

Other people might have hours to spend breathing deeply in a forest, but you have a packed schedule. The good news is that you can get the same effects from deep breathing within only a few breaths. Look for pockets of time when you can slowly breathe in and out. Practicing breathing deeply while you’re waiting in line or for a doctor’s appointment can instantly decrease stress.

Choose Workouts With Rhythmic Movements

There is no doubt that hitting the gym hard can get your body into shape. But sometimes, heavy workouts can feel stressful and time-consuming. Instead of laying on the guilt because you didn’t hit the gym, try going for a walk or swim with your kids. Or, you could choose to do some dancing in your living room. Choosing low-impact workouts that incorporate rhythmic movements helps to soothe your body while increasing the endorphins in your brain.

Explore the Relaxing Benefits of Hemp Products

If you’re using a glass of wine to relax, you could be stressing your body to the point that you feel less productive the next day. Drinking alcohol in the evening can also interfere with your sleep. Give CBD products a try to induce a similar sense of relaxation while still being in control of your actions. CBD gummies and tinctures work well for helping you to sleep at bedtime or making it easier to relax when you’re experiencing aches and pains.

Engage In Child’s Play

If long work days leave you longing for your past childhood when each day felt like bliss, then you can use this technique to connect with your kids and feel less stressed. Carve out some time in your busy schedule to sit down with your kids and color in a coloring book. Or, you could make shapes with modeling clay or paint. You can even use adult art materials if you prefer, but engaging your senses can help take your mind off whatever problems are stressing you out.

Do a Body Scan Meditation Before Bedtime

Meditating is another stress-reduction activity that is challenging for some people. Body-scan meditation allows you to focus your mind on each part of your body starting from the toes and moving to the top of your head. As you meditate, you’ll strive to notice and release tension in each body part until you feel completely relaxed.

The key to relaxation is to have several strategies in your self-care toolkit. Remember to check in with yourself occasionally to identify if you feel anxious, overly tired, or just plain stressed. Then, get in the habit of using your strategies regularly to achieve the best effects on your mental health.

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When You Flop on Your Face

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Crushing goals is a huge part of creating your ideal mom life. We all have unique gifts and talents, and when we get that spark inside of us to go for something, I believe God is giving us a little nudge and a wink. 

Making those dreams come true is not always so easy, though, especially when you have kids. That’s kind of the whole reason I created the Your Ideal Mom Life community: so we moms can have a safe place to talk about our big, scary goals, and how to be the moms we want to be without the guilt. Part of the goal-crushing process is putting your goal out into the universe. Socializing it. Telling other people what you’re up to. And of course, cheering other moms on when they do the same. 

But here’s the ugly thing no one talks about when they’re going for a huge goal: all the times they flop flat on their face. 

Like when . . . 

You prepare for the promotion, give the best interview of your life, and don’t get the job. 

You’re eating food that is healthy as heck and working out like some kind of crazy Cross-Fitter, but the scale isn’t budging. 

You take all the lessons and attend every single practice, but you keep losing your tennis matches. 

Or when your debut novel—the project you’ve been working on with your blood, sweat, and tears for over 15 years—repeatedly gets rejected by literary agents. 

What do you do when that happens, mama? Do you throw in the towel? Chalk your goal up to something meant for “other” people? Do you quit? 


Here’s what I do. I raise a glass and toast to the so-called “failure.”

Don’t get me wrong. I’m not exactly HAPPY about it. Of course it stings. But of course it’s going to happen. Rejection/losing/falling on your face is a huge part of the process of growing, of getting better, of achieving the goal. You know who else fell on her face over and over again?

Oprah. Meryl Streep. J.K. Rowling.

Aren’t you glad they didn’t give up? I sure am.

So, as I go after this ginormous goal, I choose to talk about how many times I’ve already fallen on my face. I raise a glass and toast to getting my first rejections out of the way.

And I want you to do that for yourself.

Keep moving forward. Keep taking those little tiny steps toward your dreams. And on your way there, talk about all the times you flop on your face. Celebrate them. We got this, girlfriend. Onward!  

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Valentine’s Day and Single Mothers: A Tale of Embracing Self-Love

Guest Post Written by Praneeth Simon Siliveri

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When you think of Valentine’s Day, you might think of couples showing love. But what about single moms without a romantic partner? Of course, they can celebrate too! If you’re a single mom wondering how to enjoy Valentine’s Day alone, remember that you deserve love too. If you can handle work and being a parent, why not take some time to love yourself?

From inspirational books to partying with friends, and these  Valentine’s Day offers to make your celebration even more fun, there are so many ways for a single mom to celebrate the day of love without feeling lonely.

  • Celebrate your Love for your Kids 

Valentine’s Day is not just about romantic love—it’s about celebrating all forms of love, including the bond between a mother and her children. Spend quality time with your kids, express your love through fun activities and heartfelt conversations, or create special memories together, like planning a day out, cooking together, watching fun movies, or making creative crafts and arts. Embrace the joy and love of being a parent and tell your children how much they mean to you on this day. 

  • Party with your Friends and Family 

Gather your close friends and family members for a celebration of love and friendship. Host a Valentine’s Day party at home, or visit your favorite restaurant and indulge in a decadent meal. Enjoy good food, laughter, and meaningful conversations, creating cherished moments with those who support and care for you. Surrounding yourself with people who uplift and appreciate you is a wonderful way to feel loved and connected, regardless of your relationship status. 

  • Make some time for Yourself 

It is important to spend time with your kids, especially as a single parent, and it is equally essential to prioritize self-care and carve out time for yourself. So, use this Valentine’s Day as an opportunity to indulge in activities that bring you happiness and relaxation. Whether it’s treating yourself to a spa day, enjoying a favorite hobby, or simply unwinding with a good book or movie, investing in self-love and self-care fosters inner fulfillment and resilience. This way, you will be more efficient and happier in your life, which should be our ultimate goal, right? 

  • Devote Yourself doing good for Others 

In today’s busy and sometimes unfriendly world, it’s important to show love and kindness to people who could use extra care which (did you know?) also carries forward the legacy of Saint Valentine. One great way to do this is by volunteering your time or giving what you can to help others on Valentine’s Day. You could help a charity nearby, join in community projects to help, or just support other single parents. Doing these things helps others and makes you feel good inside. It’s all about spreading love and making the world a better, happier place for everyone. 

  • Plan a Solo Trip 

In addition to showing love to others, take a break from your routine and plan a solo trip this Valentine’s Day. Whether it’s a day trip nearby, a weekend getaway, or a dream vacation, solo travel can be liberating and empowering. By doing this, you can enjoy the freedom to set your own itinerary, discover yourself, and create memorable experiences. Exploring solo lets you reconnect, gain new perspectives, and celebrate your independence as a single mother. 

  • Speak to Yourself Kindly 

Finally, don’t forget to be kind to yourself. We all know that being a mom who works is hard, but it’s even harder when you’re doing it all on your own. If you need a little pick-me-up, remember these words:

  • “You alone are enough. You have nothing to prove to anybody.” – Maya Angelou 
  • “My alone feels so good, I’ll only have you if you’re sweeter than my solitude.” – Warsan Shire 
  • “I’ve been single for a while and I have to say, it’s going very well. Like… it’s working out. I think I’m the One!” — Emily Helle 
  • “Love yourself first and everything else falls into line. You have to believe in yourself.” – Lucille Ball 
  • “I don’t need Prince Charming to have my own happy ending.” -Katy Perry 

Valentine’s Day as a single mom isn’t about feeling alone. It’s a chance to show yourself some love and feel strong. We are confident that you can make this Valentine’s Day special by trying out the ideas we talked about. But don’t stop there! Get creative and find other ways to make yourself happy. Remember, what really counts is your own happiness. So, take this day to celebrate how strong and independent you are. You deserve all the love and joy in the world. 

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