How To Relax as an At-Home Working Mother

Guest Post Written by Taylor McKnight, Author for CBDistillery

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With all the demanding tasks that have to be completed each day, it can be challenging for an at-home working mother to find time to relax. But being healthy requires self-care and relaxation. Neglecting self-care can lead to poor physical, emotional, and mental health.

According to a study performed at the University of Manchester, working mothers can be up to 40% more stressed out than other people. That stress can eventually translate into many different adverse effects on one’s health.

Why Relaxation Is Important for At-Home Working Mothers

The joys of motherhood can be infinitely rewarding, but they can also be exhausting. The constant demands of motherhood can have negative consequences on your overall health. Prioritizing self-care and relaxation is essential for combating some of these negative health outcomes.

* Reduced stress: Chronic stress can lead to anxiety, depression, and many other negative outcomes on your overall well-being.
* Improved Physical Health: Reducing stress alone can have a positive impact on your overall physical health. Poor physical health can lead to several negative health implications such as fatigue and illness.
* Boosted self-esteem and confidence: Taking time for yourself makes you feel better, which can translate to feeling empowered and capable throughout the day.

Ways to Relax as an At-Home Working Mother

Finding ways to relax doesn’t have to be complicated. Here are a few simple ways at-home working mothers can relax throughout the day.

Wake up fifteen minutes earlier than everyone else in the house

It doesn’t seem like much, 15 minutes, but simply having a few minutes alone at the start of the day allows you to have your thoughts to yourself without distractions.

Set aside times to unplug

Screens have been shown to aggravate stress levels and sleep quality. Set specific times throughout the day when you commit to not staring at any screens.

Encourage relaxation with CBD

From balms to oils, to fruity-tasting gummies, many CBD products on the market today can help promote relaxation without impairing your ability to do the things you would normally be doing. Just call them ‘mommy’s little helpers.’

Talk to a friend

Having someone outside of your immediate family unit to bounce ideas off of, or even just vent to, can be incredibly valuable to your mental health.

Delegate household duties to the kids

Don’t feel like you have to do everything. Children are perfectly capable of performing simple tasks around the house, which takes some stress off your plate.

Try something new

Feeling stuck in a rut is depressing and just gets worse the longer it goes on. Spice up your life by trying something new. A meet-up, a class, anything to make you feel like you’re not simply going through the motions every single day.


Taking some time to work on your physical health is rewarding for many reasons and it doesn’t have to be the chore some make it out to be. Getting a little exercise can be something as simple as taking a short walk, with or without the kids.

There are plenty of options for finding some relaxation throughout the day and improving your physical and mental health. A combination of various methods is a good thing to consider. Everyone is different and you have to find what works for you.

Whether it’s getting up earlier to have some alone time every morning, taking a walk at lunch, taking a CBD gummy as the day winds down, or a combination of all these methods, it’s important to find relaxation any way you can. You’ll feel better, and the people around you will notice the difference in seeing a relaxed you.

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