When You Flop on Your Face

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Crushing goals is a huge part of creating your ideal mom life. We all have unique gifts and talents, and when we get that spark inside of us to go for something, I believe God is giving us a little nudge and a wink. 

Making those dreams come true is not always so easy, though, especially when you have kids. That’s kind of the whole reason I created the Your Ideal Mom Life community: so we moms can have a safe place to talk about our big, scary goals, and how to be the moms we want to be without the guilt. Part of the goal-crushing process is putting your goal out into the universe. Socializing it. Telling other people what you’re up to. And of course, cheering other moms on when they do the same. 

But here’s the ugly thing no one talks about when they’re going for a huge goal: all the times they flop flat on their face. 

Like when . . . 

You prepare for the promotion, give the best interview of your life, and don’t get the job. 

You’re eating food that is healthy as heck and working out like some kind of crazy Cross-Fitter, but the scale isn’t budging. 

You take all the lessons and attend every single practice, but you keep losing your tennis matches. 

Or when your debut novel—the project you’ve been working on with your blood, sweat, and tears for over 15 years—repeatedly gets rejected by literary agents. 

What do you do when that happens, mama? Do you throw in the towel? Chalk your goal up to something meant for “other” people? Do you quit? 


Here’s what I do. I raise a glass and toast to the so-called “failure.”

Don’t get me wrong. I’m not exactly HAPPY about it. Of course it stings. But of course it’s going to happen. Rejection/losing/falling on your face is a huge part of the process of growing, of getting better, of achieving the goal. You know who else fell on her face over and over again?

Oprah. Meryl Streep. J.K. Rowling.

Aren’t you glad they didn’t give up? I sure am.

So, as I go after this ginormous goal, I choose to talk about how many times I’ve already fallen on my face. I raise a glass and toast to getting my first rejections out of the way.

And I want you to do that for yourself.

Keep moving forward. Keep taking those little tiny steps toward your dreams. And on your way there, talk about all the times you flop on your face. Celebrate them. We got this, girlfriend. Onward!  

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