5 Relaxation Techniques All Working Moms Should Know

Guest Post written by Taylor McKnight, Author for Nothing But Hemp

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As a busy working mom, you probably know it’s important to find ways to relax and take care of your mental health. But you might also discover that forcing yourself to relax can be stressful.

If you simply cannot find time for lengthy meditation sessions or other commonly suggested strategies, don’t fret! You do have other options. These five relaxation techniques will improve your mental health and leave you time for managing your busy schedule.

Use Waiting Times to Practice Deep Breathing

Other people might have hours to spend breathing deeply in a forest, but you have a packed schedule. The good news is that you can get the same effects from deep breathing within only a few breaths. Look for pockets of time when you can slowly breathe in and out. Practicing breathing deeply while you’re waiting in line or for a doctor’s appointment can instantly decrease stress.

Choose Workouts With Rhythmic Movements

There is no doubt that hitting the gym hard can get your body into shape. But sometimes, heavy workouts can feel stressful and time-consuming. Instead of laying on the guilt because you didn’t hit the gym, try going for a walk or swim with your kids. Or, you could choose to do some dancing in your living room. Choosing low-impact workouts that incorporate rhythmic movements helps to soothe your body while increasing the endorphins in your brain.

Explore the Relaxing Benefits of Hemp Products

If you’re using a glass of wine to relax, you could be stressing your body to the point that you feel less productive the next day. Drinking alcohol in the evening can also interfere with your sleep. Give CBD products a try to induce a similar sense of relaxation while still being in control of your actions. CBD gummies and tinctures work well for helping you to sleep at bedtime or making it easier to relax when you’re experiencing aches and pains.

Engage In Child’s Play

If long work days leave you longing for your past childhood when each day felt like bliss, then you can use this technique to connect with your kids and feel less stressed. Carve out some time in your busy schedule to sit down with your kids and color in a coloring book. Or, you could make shapes with modeling clay or paint. You can even use adult art materials if you prefer, but engaging your senses can help take your mind off whatever problems are stressing you out.

Do a Body Scan Meditation Before Bedtime

Meditating is another stress-reduction activity that is challenging for some people. Body-scan meditation allows you to focus your mind on each part of your body starting from the toes and moving to the top of your head. As you meditate, you’ll strive to notice and release tension in each body part until you feel completely relaxed.

The key to relaxation is to have several strategies in your self-care toolkit. Remember to check in with yourself occasionally to identify if you feel anxious, overly tired, or just plain stressed. Then, get in the habit of using your strategies regularly to achieve the best effects on your mental health.

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