Why Every Girl Needs a Celebration Circle

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Katie, Amy, Me and Steph

Did you know you are the average of the five people you hang around the most?  It’s a potent truth. It means you essentially share the behaviors and beliefs of the five people you spend the most time with.   That’s great news if you hang around five people who live intentionally and are generous, confident and kind. If, on the other hand, you spend most of your time with people who don’t believe they create their realities, complain, are lazy and settle for mediocrity then, well  . . . you know. So will you. 

Take a sec’ to let that sink in.

Acknowledging how much your Five influence you is one of the most powerful things you can do.  Think about any goal you’ve been trying to achieve. Depending on the quality of your Five, achieving that goal may be much more difficult than it could be, your great intentions notwithstanding.  

Let’s take losing weight as an example.  If you want to lose weight and get healthier, but you’re spending most of your time with people who don’t make healthy food choices and don’t exercise, it’s exponentially less likely that you’ll achieve your goal.  Makes sense right? But what if your Five was comprised of like-minded women who choose health and movement, who cheer you on and call you out and welcome you to do the same for them? Do you think your results would be better? 

No doubt, girlfriend.  

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I’m proud to say that, along with my husband and my friend Lara, my Five includes three very special women who started as business accountability partners but who are now my very best friends.  I call these women my Celebration Circle, and I am utterly convinced that you need one, too.  

I met Steph, Katie and Amy when we were all Team Leaders with a now defunct direct sales company called Wildtree.  Steph lives in Montana and Katie and Amy are in Wisconsin, so at first we only ever got together at company meetings.  Our friendship began with regular check-ins by phone during which we would share business goals and hold each other accountable for completing the commitments we had made on the call before.  Eventually we started communicating more regularly using recorded audio messages on Facebook Messenger. It wasn’t long before we began turning to each other for more than just business ideas and accountability.  We started to lean on each other, confide in each other and support each other as mothers, wives and friends.  

Today, I talk to Steph, Katie and Amy every single day, thanks to an awesome walkie-talkie app called Voxer.  I share everything with them, from mom fails to arguments with my husband to things you can only ever talk about with girlfriends.  I tell them my biggest dreams and my deepest fears. And because empowered women empower women, they encourage me to be my highest and best.   They challenge me. They give me ideas. They listen to me. They take my side. They openly disagree with me. They defend me. They call me out.  They love me fiercely.  

They celebrate me.  And I do the same for each of them.  

Having my Celebration Circle is a huge part of the fullness of my life.  But here’s the unexpected kicker: having them is also part of my success.   Experiencing the profound effect of a friendship like this makes me want it for everyone, including you, friend. If you don’t have a group of women who celebrate and comfort you, who lift you up when you’re down and push you to be your best, you need one. 

The big question, of course, is how do you create a Celebration Circle?  Well, this is where the rubber meets the road. Your Circle will come together as a result of upgrading your Five.  And I’ll be the first to tell you that upgrading your Five will probably be uncomfortable. The process requires you to take a long, hard look at some of your existing relationships.  But that’s the point.

Living your ideal life means surrounding yourself with people whose energy is serving you and the person you want to be.  

One of my Mary Kay mentors taught me a great exercise for examining the quality of your Five.  Are you ready to get real with your bad self? Grab a paper and pen and write down the five people you currently hang around the most.  Go on. I’ll wait.  

Once you have your list, write a plus sign (+) next to the people who are adding to the fullness of your life.  These are the people who embody what you want more of in your space. Perhaps that’s excellence, boldness, intentionality, confidence, positivity or accountability.  Maybe it’s mindfulness or creativity or just plain love. There are no wrong answers here. If they’re adding to your life, they get a plus sign.

Next, write a zero (0) next to the people who are not necessarily adding to your life, but aren’t taking away from it either.  These people are Switzerland—they’re neutral.  

Finally, write a minus sign (-) next to the people who are taking away from the fullness of your life.  These are the people who behave like crabs in a bucket. If you’ve never witnessed this phenomenon, suffice it to say they don’t hoist each other up in a, “I got you, girl!” kind of way.  It’s quite the opposite, in fact. If one of them tries to get out of the bucket, the others will pull her down. Literally. Relentlessly. They will keep her from rising up.  

I’ve seen human women behave this way as well.  Poisoned by a scarcity mindset, they believe that if they help another woman succeed, there won’t be enough success left for them.  God didn’t make the Universe abundant enough for us all to be successful at the same time, they tell themselves.  And so they pull others down, secretly hoping those women will fail so they can feel better about not excelling.  These are the people who drain your energy. They complain, nitpick or nag and, despite that you may love them, they make your space toxic.  

Now, once you’ve been raw and honest and designated each person as a positive, a negative or a neutral, take a look at what you’ve uncovered.  If you don’t see five plus signs, you’ve got some work to do if you want to create a true Celebration Circle. (And duh, of course you want that).  

Although it may seem harsh, that means eliminating the Bucket Crabs from your Five.  Now before you freak out, I’m not suggesting you eliminate them from your life (although with certain people, like my ex-husband, that will indeed be the case).   You’re just removing them from your inner circle. And yes, that’s true even if a Bucket Crab in your Five is someone you’re related to, which can make this endeavor extra sticky.  

There is no cookie cutter solution here, and I won’t pretend I have one.  We’re all navigating different dynamics with our Bucket Crabs. But, as with any goal, although you’re thinking big your actions must be small.  So instead of completely axing someone from your Five cold turkey, maybe you start with something as simple as not engaging when she calls to do her usual unloading of complaints and negativity.  Instead of trying to fix things or make suggestions and getting totally sucked in, just let her talk and empty her cup while you remain neutral.   

Once your Five is comprised of plus signs, creating a Celebration Circle is easy.  

I don’t think there’s any right or wrong way to do it, although I will say the beauty of mine is that we are completely balanced.  If you want to think of it in terms of “biologies,” I am the Control, Katie is the Influence, Amy is the Power and Steph is the Authority.  Or if we were witches, I guess Amy would be Earth, Steph would be Wind, Katie would be Water and I would be Fire. Whatever—the point is, we form a completely balanced circle, which means we each bring different perspectives to goal crushing and problem solving (as well as choosing restaurants, shoes and wine).  

Having a Celebration Circle is fun.  Having a quality Five is essential. Having both is a blessing.  Choose both, girlfriend. It will change your life.

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How to Start Something New (Even if It Terrifies You)

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Like the phoenix that bursts into flames, burns to ash and rises to begin life again, I have started over a lot.  That’s sort of the whole theme of this blog (Phoenix Diaries—get it?)  Going down in flames and pulling myself up to start again from ash has taught me the greatest lessons of my life.  In my short 39 years, I’ve left an entire life behind on one continent and started anew on another.  I’ve ended a marriage that wasn’t working and stepped into pain and uncertainty to find true love and compatibility on the other side.  I’ve walked away from a lucrative legal career to be a stay-at-home mom, created a kickass home-based business as a direct seller and then moved on to become a blogger extraordinaire.  I’ve let go of perfectionism to embrace raw, vulnerable beingness.  (That one is an ongoing lesson, I’ll be the first to admit).  

People ask me all the time how I’m able to begin again and again and continually see success.   

The answer came to me one day when I was kayaking, something I only do once a year. I had stopped paddling so that Emma and I could enjoy the view for a moment.  It was a beautiful day in Sanibel and, despite the light breeze, the water was totally flat, like glass. After a few minutes, Emma turned back to look at me.  

“Can we try to catch up with Daddy and Ryan now, Mommy?”

“Sure,” I said, dipping my paddle into the water.  The nose of our kayak had slowly drifted off course while we had been still and I now needed to turn us.  But, to my surprise, it was like rowing through mud. I couldn’t believe how strenuous it was to change directions.  

Eventually, though, thanks to my super duper strong shoulder muscles, we got going.  Once we were gliding again, turning the kayak was a breeze. That’s when it hit me:  

It’s much easier to change directions when you’re moving than it is from a dead stop.  

And that, my friends, is the reason I’m able to see success each time I’ve started over.  Quite simply, it’s because I’m willing to dig in and start moving.  Most of us are so scared of what could happen if we start something new that we remain stationary, paddle poised over the water but never breaking the surface.  The uncertainty is paralyzing.

As time passes, the thought of moving gets scarier and scarier. We worry that we won’t be able to go in the direction we want to.  We fear that we won’t know what the second step should be.   

But here’s the thing, girlfriend.

You don’t need to know what the second step will be to make the first one.  Once you start, the next step will reveal itself.  

If it turns out you take a “wrong” step along the way, just change directions.  Likely, the reason you created the experience of the “wrong” step anyway is so you could reveal to yourself in no uncertain terms what you need to shift.  And, like my experience in the kayak, because you’re already moving, changing directions will be a lot easier than it was to begin in the first place.  

I know, I know.  Time for a You-Can’t Monster check, because right now yours is making a nasty face and saying, “Easier said than done!”  Well, as my friend Chris Ruden would say, “Done is better than said.” As Chris points out, and you have to agree, everything that requires action—literally everything—is easier said than done.   Is it easier to say you’re going to wash your hair than it is to actually wash it?  Yep. Just like it was easier to say I wanted to be in a healthy, loving relationship than it was to pack my things, move out and file for divorce.  

So, as Phoenixes, let’s stop using that phrase as a crutch. Just because it’s easier to say something than it is to do it doesn’t mean it can’t be done.  

And guess what?  It will probably be hard at first, like my first drags of the paddle through the water that day.  Starting over has been exactly like that for me—every time, it’s hard. But I keep going. And every time, the next step reveals itself.

Now, here’s where stuff gets real.  

The reason I’m writing this post is because I need a little smack on the tush. I myself want to start something new—my podcast—and I am absolutely terrified about taking the first step.  TERRIFIED

I’m afraid I won’t know what I’m doing. I’m afraid no one will tune in. I’m afraid it won’t be good. You know, the usual.

In an effort to get myself going, I’ve socialized my goal and told the world about it on social media.  I’ve interviewed other podcasters to get advice on hosting platforms, which microphone to use and how to get on iTunes. In other words, I actually know what the first few steps are in this instance!  And yet I find myself sitting here, stationary, months later. 

So trust me, you’re not alone if you feel like you’ve been standing at the precipice for awhile, wanting to jump into your dream yet holding yourself back in sheer terror of what will happen next.  But what you and I both need to remember right now is that great things never came from comfort zones. The magic happens out there, beyond the precipice.

Jen Sincero, author of You are a Badass, once said,

“You are the only you there is and ever will be. Do not deny the world its one and only chance to bask in your brilliance.”

Words to live by, don’t you think? Truly, where would we all be if our heroes who came before us never took that first step? You and I might not even have an iPhone or an iPad on which to read this post!

Wherever you’re holding yourself back, the way I’m holding myself back from launching the podcast, just start.  Drag your paddle through that water. You cannot forget that you are destined for greatness, even when it’s terrifying and hard.

Because you know what, girlfriend?  You can do hard things. (And yes, I’m talking to myself, too).

Mark my words: the Phoenix Diaries podcast will be up and streaming within 60 days of this blog post because I am taking the first step today! Wanna take our first steps together? Give me a shout and let me know what you’re working on.

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