Are You a Quitter?

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Today is January 19th. For most, today is just a Wednesday (unless it also happens to be your birthday, in which case, happy birthday!).  Productivity nerds like me, however, know today is no ordinary day.  

Today is Quitter’s Day.  

Did you even know that was a thing?  It’s a term that was coined in 2019 by fitness platform Strava after conducting a study involving 800 million people in which they discovered that January 19th is the day 80% of folks give up on the goals they set in the New Year.  

Dang! So soon!  

I’ll admit that I was shocked to learn this statistic (I thought most people at least made it to the first week in February), but after giving it some thought, I suppose it’s not all that surprising.  

After all, when we close out one year and head into the next, we’re excited.  We’re idealistic.  

And sometimes, we’re also unrealistic.  

Now, let’s get one thing straight.  I hate the word “realistic” when it comes to goal setting.  Despite what conventional goal-setting wisdom might tell you, setting huge goals is the way to go. I’m in the “set-crazy-unrealistic-ginormous” goals camp. 

But realize there’s a difference between setting a goal so big it terrifies you, and taking a first step towards that goal that’s just as big.  

Remember, although your goals for this year should be audacious, and should, in fact, be borderline unrealistic, it’s OK—in fact, it’s necessary—to start small.  Oftentimes when we give up on a big goal quickly, it’s because the first step we attempted to take in achieving it was way too big. 

If that’s you, trust me, you’re not alone.   

Here’s how you get back on track:

➡️ Start with what you’re going to have to accomplish on a monthly basis.  What action step can you take each month that, if done consistently for 12 months, would result in you achieving each BHAG?  Notice I said step, singular. You’re simply deciding on one monthly milestone.  So, for example, if your annual goal was to lose 100 pounds, your monthly milestone might be to lose 8 pounds. 

But if you’re going to stay focused (and away from the quitter’s table), we’ve gotta trim it down even more. 

➡️ Next, decide what’s the one activity you can do this week to ensure you achieve your monthly milestone?  

Often as you’re answering this question, your first several responses will be milestones as well.  Keep asking yourself the question until you get down to an activity.  Using the weight-loss example, the activity might be to walk five miles. (Side note:  Remember you’re coming up with something you can do.  There’s no point in choosing something that sounds good but you know you won’t actually do because it’s too hard or time-consuming).  

➡️ Finally, whittle it down to the granular by asking yourself, “What’s the one task I can do each day to ensure I complete my weekly activity?” Go as small as you can until you get down to a single task. In keeping with the weight-loss example, perhaps the task might be something as simple as, “Be in bed with face washed and teeth brushed by 9:30 PM” because that will ensure you wake up on time to go for your walk.  

See where we’re going with this?  We’re making big, hairy and audacious bite-sized.  

You ain’t no quitter, mama! This is your year! 

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Your Mom Life Manifesto

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We did it.  We made it through another year of raising humans.  It’s the beginning of January, and we have a beautiful, deliciously blank slate ahead of us. 

So . . . now what? 

I say we declare our intentions for this year.  Here’s my mom life manifesto for 2022:

  • I give myself permission to put my needs first.
  • I choose to make time for self preservation every day. 
  • I choose to pursue my biggest, hairiest, most audacious goals and dreams.  
  • I understand that I must take care of myself to be able to take care of my children and my family. 
  • I allow myself to try new things, and choose to take the first step because I know the next step will reveal itself. 
  • I refuse to be sidelined by mom guilt.  
  • I give myself permission to say no to people and things that do not serve me. 
  • I choose not to compare myself to other moms.  
  • I choose to surround myself with people who are encouraging, supportive and hold me accountable. 
  • I give myself permission to let go of perfectionism. 
  • I choose to create harmony over balance.  
  • I choose to focus on quality instead of quantity when I spend time with my children.  
  • I allow myself to experience my emotions.  
  • I allow myself to fall down, and I choose to get back up and keep going. 
  • I give myself permission to ask others for help.  
  • I choose to speak to myself the way I would speak to someone I love.  
  • I believe that to love others more fully, I must first and foremost love myself

Today, I’m encouraging you to adopt your own mom life manifesto. Or, if you like mine, CLICK HERE to print it out and put it somewhere you’ll see it every day. 

This is our year, girlfriend!  I can’t wait to see what you create.

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