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I consider myself to be an awesome mom. I fully embrace my duty to protect my kids, and harmonize that duty with my obligation to humanity to ensure that they don’t grow up to be jerks.
In alignment with my duty to protect them, I make sure my kiddos (much to their chagrin) don’t eat junk. I insist they wear rash guards in the hot, South Florida sun. I cover them in sunscreen to the point that they look like snowmen (not kidding). When one of them gets angry and starts to throw a tantrum, I remind them that it’s ok to fully experience their feelings (as long as they don’t hurt themselves, others, or my painstakingly-decorated living room). Heartache and disappointment? I’m on it. Boo-boos? I got your back. Second-grade math homework and kindergarten reading? I’m your girl.
But when it comes to entertaining my kids from home, I’m a deer in headlights.
At least, I was, until very recently.
With the outbreak of COVID-19 and public gatherings and schools closing in my county, I, like most moms in the U.S., have been forced to figure out what the heck to do with my kids for the next two weeks. Now, I’m no elementary educator, so if you’re looking for resources on how to teach your kids from home, I’m happy to recommend The Relaxed Homeschool (where you can find free and very affordable paid lesson plans) and Homeschool Pop on YouTube.
To my surprise, being Director of Fun from Home for my kids has been a huge blessing. It’s quickly taught me how to connect with them and share experiences with them that we otherwise might not have had if we weren’t trying to make the most of it without playgrounds, arcades, restaurants and trampoline entertainment centers. And the best part? I haven’t lost my mind yet!
Give it a go. Here are my top 10 tips for entertaining your kids from home:
1) Get Outside.
There is something so cleansing about fresh air. As busy people who live in paradise, my husband and I so often take it for granted. But what an amazing resource it is! Go for a bike ride. Shoot some hoops or hit some tennis balls. Play catch in your yard. Take a run. Build a snowman (not that I’d know anything about that). Connecting with Mother Nature is so good for your soul. Plus, a little Vitamin D never hurt anyone. And bonus: running around outside will likely tire your kids out. Score!
2) Bake Something Yummy.
“No! I don’t want to make delicious chocolate-chip cookies!” said no kid ever. I don’t know about your kids, but mine love to bake. They especially love it if they get to crack an egg. (Anyone else’s kids feel the same?) Grab your favorite recipe and whip up something delish! Not only will you get to teach your kids about measuring and how to follow a recipe (both great life skills), but you’ll also get to eat brownies (or cake or cookies or muffins) when all is said and done. #winning
3) Get Your Game On!
Whatever happened to good old fashioned game night? There’s a reason games like Monopoly, Sorry!, Life, Mouse Trap, Twister, Uno and Operation are still on the market. It’s because they’re still awesome! Let your inner kiddo loose and bust out one of your old favorites. My kids fall over laughing hysterically when I play Twister with them. Add some popcorn to the mix and you’ll be golden.
4) Let Them Help You with Something.
Kids love to feel useful. They especially love it when they feel like they’re being trusted to do something only grown-ups do. Let your kiddos help you wash your car, prepare a meal or even fold and put away laundry. I’m always surprised by the chores and projects my kids want to help me with. Two birds with one stone? Yes, please.
5) Get Crafty!
You don’t have to be artsy to pull this one off. Dust off that pencil box full of crayons and whip out the glue, scissors and construction paper. Bonus if you have stickers, pom poms or pipe cleaners. And if you’re feeling really sassy, add some glitter to the mix. Pick a theme and get to creating. Have beads and string? Make jewelry. Go nuts! You might find that you enjoy this one more than your kids!
6) Take a Museum or Park Tour—Virtually.
Some super famous museums offer virtual tours. Of the more renowned sites on this list are the Smithsonian Museum of Natural History, The Louvre and the Guggenheim Museum. You can even take a virtual tour of Yellowstone National Park. Who knew?
7) Read Together.
If your kiddos can read on their own, pick some quiet time to sit on the couch together and read your own books. (I recommend reading an actual book versus one on a device if you can). If your kids are too young to read by themselves, read to them. Reading with your kids is so important. Not only is it great bonding time, but it’s vital for their education. I remind my kids all the time that literally everything they want to do in life (including playing Minecraft) requires them to read. Might as well get good at it!
8) Channel Your Inner Green Goddess.
Teach your kids about nature by doing some work in your own yard. Pull weeds or water the plants. You could even do an experiment and plant seeds from fruit you have in your own kitchen. Boom! Science lesson.
9) Make Stuff Out of Paper.
I don’t know why, but kids love this stuff. Paper airplanes, paper boats (that actually float in water) and fortune tellers are top in my house. Don’t know how to make any of these things? No problem. There is no shortage of tutorials on YouTube just waiting to instruct you.
10) Teach Them the Games You Played as a Kid.
Mansion Apartment Shack House (M.A.S.H.). Rock, paper, scissors. Hopscotch. Miss Mary Mack. Remember those? They were endlessly entertaining for us when we were little and they still are today. Plus they’re totally free! A quick Google search will refresh your recollection if you’ve forgotten any of the lyrics or rules. And enjoy the trip down memory lane! It’s sure to make you smile.
What fun tricks do you use to entertain your kids from home? Share in the comments below!